Monday, April 12, 2010

Short Sweet and to the Point

People try to peg all women as entirely this one way or all men entirely this other way. The fact of the matter is men and women are not that simple!

Yes, there are stereotypes but there are also exceptions to every rule. So just think next time before you go lumping someone into a group think of them as an individual first. This will do at minimum two great things for you, let you know who someone truly is much better, and keep you for forming misconceptions about 'all women' or 'all men'.

That's it. I told you I would keep this one short sweet and to the point!


  1. I have to say, this is really good advice in general, not just in romantic (or potentially romantic, I suppose) situations. There is no group of people that is entirely homogeneous, even though ofttimes the most like-minded members do tend to cluster up. What you seem to be getting at, and what I agree wholeheartedly with, is this idea that we are all different, and that we are all worth knowing on an individual basis, without prejudice, before any of us make judgements.

    And that's how the world should be.

  2. I agree! there have been so many times in my life that an individual person puts a label on me and I can tell so I do it back to them. But after a couple of months we find out that we really are so much alike and become best friends! Weird. Stereotypes suck but sometimes we can't help to do them. Our minds are so in-depth and confusing.

  3. You've made some thoughtful reflections in this blog and supported them with some great specific anecdotes. You've done a good job starting a discussion.
